Tuesday, November 18, 2014


The excitement is building around here!  We are big holiday people and we just can not contain our excitement for Thanksgiving and then Christmas coming up!  We love the family time, the food, the fun!  Even though by the end of the day I am always exhausted and aching all over its some of my favorite days of the year!!  Everyone is usually happy and excited and full and to see that excitement on a child's face is just amazing to me!

I usually put my Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving night after we have ate and cleaned up and gotten everything all put away, but this year the excitement hit me early and I just couldn't wait any longer, so my tree ended up getting put up before the end of October :) hehe Yes I know early but that's all good!  It's always great to sit around with the lights out and watch the lights on the Christmas tree!!

8 days!  8!  That is all that is left between now and Thanksgiving!  With each day that passes I swear I get a little more excited.  I love that David, the boys, and I can spend the day together.  The boys usually help me cook (sometimes I can even convince them to help me clean up) and I truly love watching them help.  The little ones especially get excited about helping me cook.  Noah loves to do anything at all to help with cooking so he is always a big help (and sometimes a big help right out of business) in the kitchen!

This is how our tree started out.  I have already taken everything off of it and redecorated it again and added some more gold in there lol.  I will post another picture of it a little later in another blog closer to Christmas.  But for now I guess I will bid you farewell!  God Bless!!

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