Monday, November 24, 2014


So we are in the final week of waiting before Thanksgiving is here!  I find that these last few days leading up to Thanksgiving are just so exciting and most days just feel like they go by so slow because I'm doing a million things to get ready for cooking on Thursday and getting the house all ready.

My boys have been counting down the days for a month now. lol  They love to stuff their lil belly's on Thanksgiving and then have an evening of naps, games, and movies.  I think they just truly enjoy all the family time and food!

As soon as bedtime rolls around they will start counting the days until Christmas and every day about 3-4 times a day I will hear "mommy its only __ days til Christmas! These boys sure love Thanksgiving and Christmas!  What am I saying?  They actually love every holiday.  Any reason to decorate the house and to celebrate something!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


The excitement is building around here!  We are big holiday people and we just can not contain our excitement for Thanksgiving and then Christmas coming up!  We love the family time, the food, the fun!  Even though by the end of the day I am always exhausted and aching all over its some of my favorite days of the year!!  Everyone is usually happy and excited and full and to see that excitement on a child's face is just amazing to me!

I usually put my Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving night after we have ate and cleaned up and gotten everything all put away, but this year the excitement hit me early and I just couldn't wait any longer, so my tree ended up getting put up before the end of October :) hehe Yes I know early but that's all good!  It's always great to sit around with the lights out and watch the lights on the Christmas tree!!

8 days!  8!  That is all that is left between now and Thanksgiving!  With each day that passes I swear I get a little more excited.  I love that David, the boys, and I can spend the day together.  The boys usually help me cook (sometimes I can even convince them to help me clean up) and I truly love watching them help.  The little ones especially get excited about helping me cook.  Noah loves to do anything at all to help with cooking so he is always a big help (and sometimes a big help right out of business) in the kitchen!

This is how our tree started out.  I have already taken everything off of it and redecorated it again and added some more gold in there lol.  I will post another picture of it a little later in another blog closer to Christmas.  But for now I guess I will bid you farewell!  God Bless!!

Monday, November 17, 2014


So I guess this first blog post will be all about introductions. 

My name is Samantha but most people call me Sam.  First off I am a Christian and will more than likely share a lot of my thoughts and opinions as such on here.  I attend an awesome church called Solid Rock.  We have the most amazing praise team and the best Pastors around!  I am one of the super church pastors there and absolutely love it!!

  I am a mom to 3 amazing boys! Josh 17 Ryan 12 and Noah 10.  Josh is my teenager who thinks he is already an adult that knows it all :)  No seriously he's a really good kid!  Blessed to have him as my son.  I have had the privilege of watching him grow and mature not only in age but also in his faith and his relationship with God and it has truly been amazing to see!    Ryan is my 12 year old that tries to be a teenager some days but other days still wants to be mommy's little boy! He is at that in between sullen stage some days.  He is still a major blessing in my life though!  I've also seen him grow and mature and it just amazes me what God can do with these babies!  Noah is 10 and will always be mommy's little baby!  Although he's getting to the age that he doesn't like to show it in public! lol He loves God with all his little heart as well.  He just loves to pray for others and he has such a sweet spirit about him!
 Married to my high school sweet heart for almost 21 years now.  Don't know what I'd do without David!  He keeps me sane in this sea of insanity that goes on around us! lol

I home school my kids and wouldn't have it any other way.  They can learn through Christian based workbooks.  They have more one on one time with the teacher.  Class size is a lot smaller so it's easier to catch if one is struggling.  It has been an amazing experience and I am so glad I chose to do it. 

As far as furbabies for now there is only bullseye my adorable little anti social shih-tzu! lol
Hopefully soon we will be expanding our furbaby family though :)

Well I guess that is enough as far as introductions go!  I shall return to type another day!