Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

21 years ago today I said two words that would change my life forever!  I said the words I Do and married my high school sweetheart and my best friend!!  There has been a lot of ups and downs and backs and forths and good times and bad times but each time we have come through it a little stronger and our relationship a little better.  I can't imagine what my life would be like without him.
21 years and 3 kids later and we still love each other just as much if not more than we did the day we said I Do.

One day we will be old sitting on our porch in our rocking chairs watching our grandkids run around and playing and we will think back to the early years and I'm sure we probably won't remember most of the rough times and if we do I'm sure by that point they won't seem so rough anyway.  I am truly blessed that God put David in my life.  He sure knew what I needed when he did!

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